Blogging 1.0

As we all have seen, blogging has really taken off in the past few years. It has now become a very powerful tool for any company to use. While perusing the web conducting my “internet research”, I came across a really interesting article about blogging. He mainly discusses the art naming your blog site.

He also has a small snippet explaining why you would want your own domain name for your blog. This is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. Although I personally have a blogger account, I do think that it is important for people to have their blog under their own domain. I’ve met dozens of bloggers who have awesome blogs under blogspot or wordpress accounts; social, technical and business alike. Some get 100’s of hit’s a day, and they wish they could have had their own domain name, merely for professional purposes. It’s hard to change everything up once your visitors have gotten use to your url.

See The article here at
